Глориа Милиčевиć

Глориа Милиčевиć

Салес Ассистант

gloria@eurovilla.hr+385 95 729 2339Скачать контакт Скачать контакт

Communicative, resourceful and ambitious, Gloria has a degree in languages, literature and cultural mediation, which gives her an outstanding ability to mediate, quickly identify clients' needs and provide a customized service, taking into account their wishes and preferences. Her kindness ensures a pleasant experience for clients during the process of buying or selling real estate. Gloria stands out for her professionalism to successfully meet the needs of clients. Whether you are looking for the perfect home or want to sell your property, Gloria will provide you with top-notch service that will make it easier for you to achieve your goals.

Списки агентов (17)



    Бериславићева 4

    ул. Гаева, 15

    Радничка Цеста 52 (Green Gold)

    Хорвачанская цеста 160


    улица Майка Трипала, 4


    ACI Ровинь, Набережная Совета Европы


    Цискуттиева 7


    Доктор Анте Старцевица 24

+385 1 4815 111

+385 98 367 582

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